Apartment information

Discover essential information about our rental unit. For a smooth stay, we recommend taking a quick look below before arriving



You can take an uber or if you take a Taxi, be aware most drivers in Cartagena don't go by addresses but points of interest.

Ask the taxi driver to take you to “El Laguito" CAI (small police station). The building is right next to "Riquisimo BBQ" restaurant.

To open the door, put the card against the lock - at the little card icon. Make sure you don't touch the numbers

You will have to register with the building staff the first time you come in. They will charge you 40.000 COP cash (around $10 USD)

Insert the Card (key) in the card slot by the entrance, in order for the AC in the bedroom to work


  • Where can I store my luggage before check-in/after check out time?

Please feel free to head to the apartment and leave your luggage after 12pm on the day of your check in as we can store them while we clean.

If you need to store them before 12pm, or the day you leave. You can go to Edificio Conquistador. About 3 blocks from the apartment. Please see map.

You can also check out this site that has multiple places(this works everywhere in the world) where to store your luggage https://www.airkeep.me/

  • Where can I buy tours?

There are several travel agencies near the apartment. Below, you'll find two business cards. We suggest comparing prices from at least two or three agencies before choosing the one that offers the best deal. For the most part they all sell the same tours and just get a commission.

  • Is there laundry service?

Please inquire at the reception desk. The building offers laundry service, and there’s also a few other laundry facilities close by. They all charge by weight.

  • Where can I buy a local SIM card for my phone?

You can purchase it at the store across from the building. We recommend Claro or Tigo as service providers. Picture shows the front of the store.

  • Where should garbage be disposed of?

Please dispose of garbage in the bin located by the elevator. Unfortunately, recycling is not available, so all waste goes in the same bin.

For a better viewing experience, click the "Map" button below to open the map in full-screen mode.